Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Update July 14 - 2010 Pro's Or Con's "The Mediterranean Diet - Weight Loss Program" By Health Experts

The Mediterranean diet is a type of diet inspired by the traditional dietary patterns of Southern Italy and Greece . The most famous one was presented by Dr. Walter Willett of Harvard University's School of Public Health in the mid-1990s. Based on "food patterns typical of Crete, much of the rest of Greece, and southern Italy in the early 1960s. The diet contains little low in saturated fat and high in monounsaturated fat and dietary fiber.

Recommended Reading
The Mediterranean Diet
A Fundamental Guide to Using the Mediterranean Dietfor Improved Health, Weight Loss, Reducing the Riskof Heart Disease, Blood Pressure & Common Allergies

The Mediterranean Diet - Adopt This Important Lifestyle to Stay Healthy and Live Longer
By Burt Amadio Platinum Quality Author

What exactly is the Mediterranean diet? This is a great lifestyle. Generations of people around this area of Europe have lived this very natural way of life for thousands of years. It involves eating very healthy foods that are available in that part of the mood. In this article, I will be sharing with your this healthful lifestyle.

Mediterranean Diet:

The European countries such as Italy, Spain and Greece have developed this lifestyle. These people incorporated a very healthy lifestyle, which included always walking with a lot of daily activity and having low stress.

People all over the world are classifying this plan as the very healthiest in the world. People in this part of the world live very healthy and long lives.

Adopting this lifestyle, will prevent a lot of diseases. Diseases such as heart attacks, high blood pressure, and cholesterol. The important thing is that you must choose to eat natural fresh foods, and not processed and manufactured foods. You should not eat things such as frozen foods and bagged or wrapped foods.

This is a lifestyle that needs to be adopted and parents can play a very important part in helping their kids make wise food choices.

People who use this have a 70% more life expectancy and a 80% better life quality. Make sure everything in your life is healthy. Therefore, if you are smoking right now, please stop.

Some Characteristics Are:

1) Eat a lot of olive oil.

2) Make sure you eat a lot of vegetables and fruits and legumes.

3) Eat fish almost everyday.

4) Consume milk and dairy products, especially products made from goat cheese. Make sure to keep your eye on the fat content.

5) Don't eat more than four eggs a week.

6) Try not to eat a lot of meats.

7) You should try to drink no more than two small glasses of wine a day. The wine should be red in color.

8) Try incorporating nuts into your meals.

9) Add fennel into you meals. They are high in plant nutrients.

10) Try eating octopus. It is very high in protein and rich in omega 3.

11) Try eating dandelion with olive oil and you can squeeze some lemon on it to add some flavor.

12) Eat some lima beans to get more potassium.

In this article, I shared with you what the Mediterranean diet is and what you should be eating to stay healthy and live longer. Burt Amadio loves learning and sharing his information on a variety of topics. Check out this website below!


Recommended Reading
The Mediterranean Diet
A Fundamental Guide to Using the Mediterranean Dietfor Improved Health, Weight Loss, Reducing the Riskof Heart Disease, Blood Pressure & Common Allergies

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